Vote For Your Favorite Negima! 3-A Class Member (And Other Stuff — UPDATED!)

Hey gang!

The special one-shot chapter of UQ Holder for the anime has been released (or will be soon). There’s a Korean scanlation for those interested. If someone knows what they are saying, do let me know. And just because, here’s a color sample page (reveal the spoiler).


UQ Holder


There’s also a place to vote for your favorite Negima! 3-A classmate. Just follow this link to the UQ Holder official site and vote. (Update: You have until October 31, 2017.) The vote tallies are under the image of the girl, and the images are all from pactio cards. Right now, Nodoka is running away with it. You go girl!

Negima! Manga Vol 31 Ch 280 Review

Finally, the saga of my PC is hopefully coming to an end. All of the replacement parts are in and starting to be tested. Hopefully, I’ll have it back by the end of the week. ^_^;

That’s it for now. I’m on the lookout for UQ Holder spoiler images for the week.

Update: Here’s some images of Karin’s seiyuu cosplaying Karin as well as someone scoring female Kuroumaru pactio card.



I haven’t been able to find a large image of female Kuromaru’s pactio (if you have one, let me know where to score a copy), but here’s one of male Kuroumaru’s pactio.

Male Kuroumaru Pactio UQ Holder

And one more image showing Akamatsu-sensei drawing of Karin’s seiyuu cosplaying.

Karin's Seiyuu Cosplay Drawn

Still no spoilers shown as of 7-Oct-2017.

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15 Responses to “Vote For Your Favorite Negima! 3-A Class Member (And Other Stuff — UPDATED!)”

  1. Yue Ayase says:

    No points for guessing who I voted for. Are you going to review the anime? The first episode is on Youtube and torrent.

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      I’m going to try. My PC should be back this week and hopefully, I can start watching stuff again.

      • Sian says:

        Well, I was a bit concerned about the Anime, but it seems to recognize that Ala Alba and Hitotsu no Sekai was the right way to handle it, and seem to be following UQ rather faithfully, with the major difference being that they remove some of the ambiguousness since it aren’t a stealth sequel any more

  2. magine says:

    Thanks for the info! The vote is until October 31, isn’t it? I hope we can see the special one-shot.

  3. Rob C says:

    I saw the first episode. It on par with the first chapters. The problem is the intro and first minutes of the espode so far. Its little worrisome…the intro and first couple of minutes was fan service city. The intro makes UQ Holder a romcom.

  4. magine says:

    The preview of the next chapter came out.

    [spoiler] I have the impression that Shinobu will not appear in the chapter and Kuroumaru will appear before… I guess Shinobu will appear in the capital since in the ending she is seen with Mizore in the capital, I hope it does not affect in the anime [/spoiler]

    • Rob C. says:

      [spoiler]I think that is depends how many episodes they have to play with. That’s the real problem i think. The early chapters of the manga were stretched out more until they go to the tower for first time to meet their returning memeber on the moon, Then thing suddenly sped up bit. Then Fan-Service city happen. I wondering how much skipping their doing.

      You know, something just accrued to me. It’s entirely possible that the series may explore a story thread that manga didn’t go to. Like how the tournment thing was table flipped for a Negi in counter on Earth. Touta wins some fights and goes to the top of the tower to encounter his grandfather. where the anime ends.[/spoiler]

  5. Mattcgw says:

    Chapters out on Amazon.

  6. LoneWolfx03 -]===- says:

    I’m not voting anymore. The poll has been rigged. Imagine that one character has increased it’s poll by 500-600 in less than a few hours?

    Look, I really REALLY loved the top 2 characters right now and I even voted them both but then SOMEONE had to use that CHEAT to zoom it way up to the top.

    If you want proof, here:

    • LoneWolfx03 -]===- says:

      11:14 am of Oct 18 : 5287 votes

      2:58 am of Oct 19 (The time I’m posting this.) : 6642 votes

      I wanted a fair vote but that is TOO MUCH. >:(

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      Well, I guess that’s not unexpected with an Internet poll that allows daily voting.

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